I graduated!

I just graduated from university after defending my Master’s thesis and I now am now officially an MSc in Control and Automation. The defence went well and I was awarded the next highest grade of 10, corresponding to a B on the ECTS scale. This marks the end of my 5 years of studying which started with a BSc in Electronics and IT (Electrical Engineering) at Aalborg University.

The coming months will be the first in 18 years, where I am not studying, and I am very excited for what the future holds. I will not miss the lingering exams but I will miss the engaging professors, knowledgeable and friendly peers and the university community, particularly the faculty bar. I have been, and will be, celebrating this milestone with my best friends and family.

My workstation for the last semester. Ignore the toaster.

My workstation for the last semester. Ignore the toaster.

The poster for our 7th semester project, hanging on a wall in the faculty.

The poster for our 7th semester project, hanging on a wall in the faculty.

Me and my friends walking home from university due to sudden large amounts of snow in December of 2021.

Me and my friends walking home from university due to sudden large amounts of snow in December of 2021.

Published 27. June 2023

Last modified 27. June 2023